PPTIK – ITB and Leading Technology Enablers Join Forces to Pioneer Digital Transforma􏰀on in Indonesia.

In a groundbreaking event hosted by the Pusat Peneli􏰀an Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Ins􏰀tute Technology Bandung (PPTIK – ITB) on October 26, 2023, a consor􏰀um of technology enablers, including AVEVA, Schneider Electric, Technip Energies, So􏰁wareAG, and local partners, converged to discuss and establish the Digital Transforma􏰀on Center ITB Ini􏰀a􏰀ve. This visionary ini􏰀a􏰀ve is poised to serve as the fulcrum of Digital Transforma􏰀on in Indonesia, connec􏰀ng government en􏰀􏰀es, state-owned enterprises, and ins􏰀tu􏰀ons and industries. This coopera􏰀ve endeavor involves educa􏰀onal ins􏰀tu􏰀ons, technology vendors, consultants, and so􏰁ware providers, aiming to catalyze the digitaliza􏰀on process from ini􏰀al research to the realiza􏰀on of successful digital transforma􏰀on stories.

The heart of this ini􏰀a􏰀ve is the upcoming series of events culmina􏰀ng in the grand declara􏰀on of the ITB Digital Transforma􏰀on Center, scheduled for the end of December. This pivotal event is expected

to unite all stakeholders in the digital transforma􏰀on landscape, marking a momentous milestone in Indonesia’s journey towards a digitally evolved na􏰀on.

Background and Significance:

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, the role of digital transforma􏰀on has never been more cri􏰀cal. The PPTIK – ITB has taken the ini􏰀a􏰀ve to bring together key players in the technology and digitaliza􏰀on sector to facilitate a holis􏰀c approach to digital transforma􏰀on in Indonesia. This endeavor seeks to bridge the gap between the government, state-owned enterprises, and various ins􏰀tu􏰀ons and industries by fostering collabora􏰀on among educa􏰀onal ins􏰀tu􏰀ons, technology vendors, consultants, and so􏰁ware providers.

The Digital Transforma􏰀on Center ITB Ini􏰀tia􏰀tive:

The Digital Transforma􏰀on Center ITB Ini􏰀a􏰀ve emerged from a high-profile mee􏰀ng that took place on October 26, 2023, where PPTIK – ITB hosted a consor􏰀um of dis􏰀nguished technology enablers, including AVEVA, Schneider Electric, Technip Energies, So􏰁wareAG, and local partners. The primary objec􏰀ve of this collabora􏰀on is to establish a thriving ecosystem that will act as a catalyst for digital transforma􏰀on in Indonesia. This ecosystem will provide a pla􏰂orm for the seamless exchange of ideas, knowledge, and resources, propelling the na􏰀on towards the digital fron􏰀er.

Series of Events Leading to the Grand Declara􏰀on:

A crucial aspect of the Digital Transforma􏰀on Center ITB Ini􏰀a􏰀ve is the series of events leading up to the grand declara􏰀on, which is set to take place at the end of December. These events will serve as building blocks, paving the way for the historic declara􏰀on of the ITB Digital Transforma􏰀on Center. Each event will play a unique role in fostering collabora􏰀on and knowledge sharing among the key stakeholders.

The Grand Declara􏰀on: A Historic Milestone:

The grand declara􏰀on of the ITB Digital Transforma􏰀on Center, scheduled for the end of December, is an􏰀cipated to be a defining moment in Indonesia’s digital transforma􏰀on journey. It will bring together government bodies, state-owned enterprises, ins􏰀tu􏰀ons, and industries, along with educa􏰀onal ins􏰀tu􏰀ons, technology vendors, consultants, and so􏰁ware providers. This event will solidify the commitment of all par􏰀es involved to work together towards a digitally transformed Indonesia.

About Pusat Peneli􏰀an Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Ins􏰀tute Technology Bandung (PPTIK – ITB):

Pusat Peneli􏰀an Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Ins􏰀tute Technology Bandung (PPTIK – ITB) is a renowned research center that has been at the forefront of technology and communica􏰀on research in Indonesia. PPTIK – ITB is dedicated to driving innova􏰀on, research, and educa􏰀on in the field of informa􏰀on and communica􏰀on technology, making it the perfect host for this transforma􏰀ve inti􏰀ati􏰀ve.

The Digital Transforma􏰀on Center ITB Ini􏰀a􏰀ve, orchestrated by PPTIK – ITB and an alliance of technology enablers, is set to reshape the landscape of digital transforma􏰀on in Indonesia. As the series of events unfolds, and the grand declara􏰀on approaches, the na􏰀on eagerly an􏰀cipates the birth of a digital era that promises to usher in a new wave of progress and prosperity.

For media inquiries, please contact: Rizky Andrika